About Me

My name is Ayden Diel and I like programming, language learning, art, and music!

I’m currently persuing a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science at UMass Boston, and I’ve been working part-time and full-time Software Engineering roles for the past 2 years. Here are some of the jobs I’ve worked:

Work Experience

Stuff I Like to Use

  • 🐍 Python - My go-to for any experiments or proof-of-concept app ideas
  • 📜 TypeScript/JavaScript - For anything on the web
    • I’ve had a lot of work experience with Next.js, React, and Angular
      • For side projects (including this portfolio), I like to use Svelte!
    • Fun fact, JavaScript was the first language I learned!
  • Java - Very nice for building robust backends and APIs
  • ⚙️ C & C++ - For low level stuff, CUDA programming, and Arduino projects
  • 🐧 Linux (Ubuntu) - This is my daily driver, and has seriously changed the way I use computers!
  • ✏️ Neovim - My favorite text editor/IDE!